Comment from Ms. Rei Yamashita, Professional harmonica player in Japan
/ 山下 伶さん(日本のプロのハーモニカプレーヤー)からのコメント
Profound and sweet tone, yet each note is clear. Comfortable to play and
easy to handle. CREMONA harmonica all of my desire. I think one of CREMONA
harmonica's characteristics is that it gose well with violin, flute and
other instruments. The more I play it, the better it fits me. I'm sure
CREMONA will continue to be my best partner.
Please click the following title.
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 16-hole All Wood sound"
重厚でやわらかな音色、それでいて一音一音が明瞭、口当たりが良く、操作しやすい。これら全ての望みを叶えてくれたのがクレモナハーモニカでした! ヴァイオリンやフルート、他の楽器との相性が良いのも、このクレモナハーモニカの特徴だと思います。吹き込めば吹き込む程、身体に馴染んできて、これからも最高のパートナーになってくれることでしょう。
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ16穴 オールウッドサウンド”
Comment from Mr. AU Chun Lok, Harmonica player in Hong Kong / アウ さん(香港のハーモニカプレーヤー)からのコメント
Mr. Kishi is an expert in producing professional chromatic harmonica. He
knows clearly the common problems of a chromatic
harmonica and you can see how these problem are wisely resolved in the
Cremona Chromatic Harmonica. The slide is smooth and silent; sticky valve
rarely occur, etc. The Cremona 12-hole All-Silver (Reiwa SS) has its characteristic
tone colour that you can not find in any other silver chromatic harmonica.
It always gives you a uniform, warm, mellow and sweet silver tone colour
which is suitable to play wide range of classical music.
Please click the following title.
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 12-hole All Silver sound
SS モデル)は、他のどの銀製ハーモニカにも無いような特長のある音色を持っています。常に均一で温かく優しく豊かな音を奏でてくれるので、広い範囲のクラッシック曲に適しています。
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ12穴 オールシルバーサウンド ”
Comment from Mr. Matthew Yip Tsz Chung, Harmonica player in Hong Kong /
マシュー・イップさん (香港のハーモニカプレーヤー) からのコメント
The CREMONA 16-hole All-wood model (AW64P) sounds really beautiful and
decent. This harmonica is very versatile, it can play
many different genres of music, like pop, jazz, traditional harmonica
music, and great at playing classical music. The ebony wood can make a
warm sound which is very essential while playing classical music. The sound
blends really well when playing in an ensemble,
especially on the lower and mid-range notes, it sounds like the clarinet
playing lower notes or bassoon playing mid-high notes.
Please click the following title.
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 16-hole All Wood sound 1"
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 16-hole All Wood sound 2"
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 16-hole All Wood sound 3"(Enssemble)
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ16穴 オールウッドサウンド 1”
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ16穴 オールウッドサウンド 2”
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ16穴 オールウッドサウンド 3"(アンサンブル)
Comment from Ms. Jane Poon Sin Hang, Harmonica player in Hong Kong / ジェーン・プーンさん
(香港のハーモニカプレーヤー) からのコメント
Warm and bright, rich and penetrating -- the sound quality of my 14-hole
all silver CREMONA is very versatile. I specially love the
thick and mellow tone colour of the lower register which is much different
than other harmoicas that I have played. I'm also very in love with my
16-hole all wooden CREMONA which sounds pure and sweet. I usually play
the tenor part with my wooden CREMONA in the ensemble and it blends so
well with other harmonicas, but still carrying its own character.
CREMONA is a good choice for all harmonica lovers. Also, the Kishi family
is always very kind and patient whenever you get questions, so just go
for it !
Please click the following title.
"CREMONA 14-hole All Silver Chromatic Harmonica sound"
”クレモナ 14穴オールシルバー クロマチックハーモニカ サウンド”
Comment from Ms. Heddy Hon Ning Cheung , Harmonica player in Nederlands
/ ヘディー・チェンさん (オランダのハーモニカプレーヤー) からのコメント
I have been playing CREMONA harmonica since 2020. For the first time when
I tried the harmonica, I was impressed by its
soothingly warm & violin-like tone color by the wood cover, the brightness
at the high register, and the deep & rich projection it gives at the
low register. I appreciate the flexibility of Cremona harmonica while rendering
different genres of music, from classical, jazz to repertoires with more
extended techniques involved. It's also a nice instrument for making chamber
music with a wide range of instruments and creates decent balance.
Please click the following title.
"CREMONA 14-hole Silver Comb・Wood Cover Chromatic Harmonica sound
"CREMONA 14-hole Silver Comb・Wood Cover Chromatic Harmonica sound
"CREMONA 14-hole Silver Comb・Wood Cover Chromatic Harmonica sound
”クレモナ14穴 シルバーボディー・ウッドカバー クロマチックハーモニカ サウンド1”
”クレモナ14穴 シルバーボディー・ウッドカバー クロマチックハーモニカ サウンド2”
”クレモナ14穴 シルバーボディー・ウッドカバー クロマチックハーモニカ サウンド3”
Comment from Mr. Lin Chih-Chieh, Harmonica player in Taiwan / リンさん(台湾のハーモニカプレーヤー)からのコメント
The tone of AW64P(All wood) is very clean and sweet, the tone of SS64 (All
Silver) is very warm and sweet. Every time I play them,
there will be very good feedback. I will choose the harmonica according
to different music style. Even if you already have a high-end harmonica
such as Polle or Silver Concerto, I still suggest that you should own Cremona,
they will bring you a different playing experience.
Please click the following title.
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 16-hole All Silver sound "
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 16-hole All Silver & All Wood sound "
Polle や Silver Concerto のような高級モデルをすでに持っていても、クレモナハーモニカを持つことをお勧めします。なぜなら、クレモナは異なる演奏体験をもたらしてくれるからです。
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ16穴 オールシルバー サウンド ”
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ16穴 オールシルバー&オールウッド サウンド ”
Comment from Mr. Cheuk Yin Ho(CY Leo), Professional harmonica player in
Hong Kong / CY レオ さん(香港のプロのハーモニカプレーヤー)からのコメント・・・Composer and Singer-Song
Writer, two times world champion in the World Harmonica Festival 2009 &
CREMONA is reliable, sensitive and mellow partner to me. The responsiveness
of the instrument is adjusted to the optimal condition
across all the octaves. With the instrument, I found a tone colour that
fit a wide range of musical style I am involved in my musical journey.
It is the best 16 hole harmonica I have ever encountered.
Please click the following title.
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 16-hole All Wood sound 1"
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 16-hole All Wood sound 2"
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 16-hole All Wood sound 3"
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 16-hole All Wood sound 4"
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ16穴 オールウッドサウンド 1”
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ16穴 オールウッドサウンド 2”
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ16穴 オールウッドサウンド 3”
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ16穴 オールウッドサウンド 4”
Comment from Ms. Steffi Leung Tsz Ching, harmonica player in Hong Kong
/ ステフィー・ランさん(香港のハーモニカプレーヤー)からのコメント
The CREMONA model that I am using is a 12-hole silver comb and silver/wooden
cover. I usually switch the cover depend on the
genre of the piece that I am performing. The best thing that I like about
CREMONA is the warm but projecting tone color, moreover it has a high resistance.
I think CREMONA is a very suitable harmonica brand for classical harmonica
players !
Please click the following title.
"CREMONA 12-hole Silver Comb・Wood Cover Chromatic Harmonica sound"
"CREMONA 12-hole All Silver Chromatic Harmonica sound"
”クレモナ12穴 シルバーボディー・ウッドカバー クロマチックハーモニカ サウンド”
”クレモナ 12穴オールシルバー クロマチックハーモニカ サウンド”
Comment from Mr. Ulrich Muller-Fross, Harmonica player in Germany / Ulrich
Mullerさん( ドイツのハーモニカプレーヤー)からのコメント
Good music needs good instruments. The players of the works begining with
Monteverdi up to Vivaldi, Paganini, Haydn, Mozart,
Beethoven, Schubert, Shumann, Dvorak, Grieg, Brahmsm, Britten, Berio,
Morricone and so on bought their instruments in Cremona manufactured by
Guarneri, Stradivari or others. The very best harmonica players also needs
very good instruments, if they want to play good music. They will find
these harmonicas in the shop of Maestro Naotaka Kishi, the Stradivari in
building harmonicas. There is no alternative all over the world.
Please click the following title.
"CREMONA 16-hole Silver Comb/Wood Cover Chromatic Harmonica sound
"CREMONA 16-hole Silver Comb/Wood Cover Chromatic Harmonica sound
"CREMONA 16-hole Silver Comb/Wood Cover Chromatic Harmonica sound
良い音楽には良い楽器が必要です。モンテベルディ、をはじめビバルディ、パガニーニ、ハイドン、モーツアルト、ベートーヴェン、シューベルト、シューマン、ドボルザーク、グリーグ、ブラームス、ブリテン、ベリオ、モリコーネ等の作品を演奏する人たちは、グァルネリやストラディヴァリらによってクレモナの地で作られた楽器を買い求めました。一流のハーモニカ奏者も素晴らしい音楽を奏でるためには上質のハーモニカが必要です。そのようなハーモニカは、ハーモニカ製作のストラディバリとも言える岸 直孝氏が製作・販売するこのワークショップで見つけることができます。これに代わるハーモニカは世界中どこにもありません。
”クレモナ” 16穴 シルバーボディー・ウッドカバー クロマチックハーモニカ サウンド 1
”クレモナ” 16穴 シルバーボディー・ウッドカバー クロマチックハーモニカ サウンド 2”
”クレモナ” 16穴 シルバーボディー・ウッドカバー クロマチックハーモニカ サウンド 3”
Comment from Mr. Harry Choi, Professional harmonica player in Hong Kong
/ ハリー・チョイさん(香港のプロのハーモニカプレーヤー)からのコメント・・・2009 World Harmonica Festival Solo
Adult Champion
I have been playing my CREMONA 16 All Wood model since 2020. I enjoy playing
with its warm sound in both solo and ensemble
performance every single time. Best part of CREMONA 16 All Wood - The
Ebony harmonica blends in beautifully with the strings instrument, as I
always play with a violin in my performance. I enjoy playing acoustically
very much and this is certainly one of the characteristics of this instrument.
CREMONA 16 AW allows me to play with a much greater projection acoustically
comparing with other 16 holes harmonicas. The balance of this harmonica
is well set, which provides me with an even tonality from the lowest register
to the highest one. The weight of this harmonica allows me to work for
hours-long concert. I can move, breath and play with my mechanism without
high fatigue. I have visited Mr. Kishi Naotaka and his wife Eiko place
in Japan. They are very kind and the concept of CREMONA with warm sound
touches me very much. It was an unforgettable meet with them.
Please click the following title.
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 16-hole All Wood sound 1"
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 16-hole All Wood sound 2"
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ16穴 オールウッドサウンド 1”
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ16穴 オールウッドサウンド 2”
Comment from Mr. Yip Chun Hei , Harmonica player in Hong Kong / イップ・チャン・ヘイ
The CREMONA 16-hole all wood chromatic harmonica has a warm and beautiful
voice. The maintenance is easy and user-friendly for harmonica players.
It is air-tight with a fast response from the harmonica which projects
solid sound. Overall, I love the CREMONA 16-hole harmonica very much !
Please click the following title.
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 16-hole All Wood sound"
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ16穴 オールウッドサウンド”
Comment from Ms. Byungran Lee(Rani), Professional harmonica player in South
Korea / ビョンナン・リーさん(韓国のプロのハーモニカ奏者)からのコメント
CREMONA harmonica has a very warm and rich tone color, its sound in the
middle and low register in particular has soft and warm
tone. I have a 12-hole all silver model. Its thick cover and comb keep
the warmness for a long time after preheating it. Its weight provides me
the stable play during performance.
Please click the following title
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 12-hole All Silver sound 1"
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica 12-hole All Silver sound 2
クレモナ ハーモニカは音色が非常に温かくて豊かです。特に低音から中音が非常に柔らかくて温かい音色を持っています。ハーモニカを予熱する時、厚いカバーとボディーは温度をより長く維持させ、実際の演奏時に安定したプレーを可能にしてくれます。
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ12穴 オールシルバーサウンド 1”
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ12穴 オールシルバーサウンド 2
Comment from Mr. Manhin Leung(Hennis), harmonica player and pianist in
Hong Kong / マンヒンリャンさん(香港のピアノ・ハーモニカ奏者)からのコメント
The Reiwa All Wooden chromatic harmonica is one of my favorite harmonica
in my collection.
1.The combination of Ebony comb's deep acoustic opening, a thick-and-round
ebony cover and silver mouthpiece brings a very rich and warm tone colour.
2.The slight adjustment of harmonica height in Reiwa gives the harmonica
a much more direct sound and response, especially in the low and middle
3.The Ebony comb is very durable and maintains in very well condition despite my frequent cleaning and maintenance work.
4.As a whole, this harmonica is a very good choice for playing classical
and romantic repertoire.
Please click the following title
"CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica Reiwa All Wood Sound"
クレモナの12穴 令和オールウッドは、私のお気に入りのハーモニカです。
”クレモナ クロマチックハーモニカ 令和オールウッド サウンド”
Mr. Gordon, Lee Chun Lok visited Harmonica Workshop "CREMONA"
on June 5th 2015 and on April 2017. He plays "CREMONA"16Hole
All wood Model and 14Hole All Silver Model
Mr. Gordon, Lee Chun Lok is a young talented professional chromatic harmonica
player in Hong Kong who won numerous local
andinternational awards. He won the Chanpionship of Harmonica Solo (Adult age
group of 17-21) at Asia Pasific Harmonica Festival 2012 held in Malaysia.
He also won first place in the American Protage
International Concerto Conpetision 2014 (College students and Professional
Musicians Division) as a harmonica player.
Upon receiving the award, he was invited to give a performance
of chromatic harmonica at Carnegie Hall in New York in December 2014. He
won a championship of chromatic harmonica solo adult in WHF2017 held in
Trossingen Germany.
He plays "CREMONA" 16Hole All-Wood model (AW64P) and 14Hole All-Silver model (SS56).
Below are his recording on the CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica.
Listen to the sound of CREMONA. (Please click the following title)
"CREMONA" 16-hole All-Wood Harmonica Sound"
"CREMONA" 14-hole All-Silver Harmonica Sound"
香港の若手クロマチックハーモニカ奏者Gordon, Lee Chun
Lok さんが当工房に来訪しました(2015年6月、2017年4月)。
Gordon, Lee Chun Lok 氏は香港の優秀なプロの若手クロマチックハーモニカ奏者で、国内外で多くの賞を受賞されています。2012年には、マレーシアで開催されたアジア・パシフィック・ハーモニカフェスティバルのソロ部門(17〜21歳部門)で優勝。また2014年には、アメリカン
Protage 国際コンクールで、ハーモニカ奏者として第1位(大学生及びプロフェッショナル音楽部門)を獲得。この受賞により、2014年12月にニューヨークのカーネギーホールに招かれ、クロマチックハーモニカの演奏を披露しました。2017年11月にはドイツのトロシンゲンで行われたWHF2017
Gordon Lee 氏は、現在”クレモナ”の16穴オールウッドモデル(AW64P)と14穴オールシルバーモデルを愛用されています。
Gordon Lee 氏が録音した”クレモナ” クロマチックハーモニカの音をお聴きください。
”クレモナ”16穴オールウッドハーモニカ サウンド”
”クレモナ”14穴オールシルバーハーモニカ サウンド”
Mr. Owen Ho, a Malaysian professional chromatic harmonica player, plays
"CREMONA"Silver Comb Model/ マレーシアのプロのクロマチックハーモニカ奏者 Owen Ho さんも
《Message from Mr. Owen Ho》
I have been playing chromatic harmonica for more than 20 years.I have come
across all the
brand around the world. As I received your CREMONA Silver Harmonica(Silver
comb and Wood covers),I feel amazed about your excellent craftsmanship
on the CREMONA Harmonica. Thank you for being so patient for my request
and you have done it perfectly. I love it so much.
For the CREMONA Harmonica, the tone is deep and warm, I have used it for
my performance and all the audience are surprised that harmonica could
have such warm and sweet tone which is not all harmonica could achieve
that. Beside that, I could have a huge of dinamic color, this could let
the music sounds lively and beautiful. Is like driving a Ferrari on top
speed and yet still under control by you. I could say every top musician
in the world will find their own personal sound and tone in their instrument.
I am lucky and happy I found it now.
Below are my recording on the CREMONA Silver Harmonica. Listen to the sound
of CREMONA, you will proud to own it. (Please click the following music
1. Valsentino / ヴァルセンティーノ
2. Libertango / リベルタンゴ
3. Bulgarian Wedding Dance / ブルガルアン・ウェディング・ダンス
《Owen Ho さんからのメッセージ》
Dr. PC Ho in Hong Kong loves to play CREMONA Chromatic Harmonica:16-hole
All Wood(AW64P)
He is a famous orthopedic surgeon in Hong Kong and the founding President
of Hong Kong Harmonica Association.
He won many awards in international harmonica contess and actively performs
in concerts.
香港の何百晶氏(Dr. Ho Pak-Cheong)は、
Mr. Ulrich Muller Fross, a German chromatic harmonica player, plays "CREMONA"
16Hole Silver Comb Model/ ドイツのクロマチックハーモニカ奏者 Ulrich Muller Frossさんも”クレモナ”16穴シルバーボディーモデルを愛用しています。
《Message from Mr. Ulrich Muller Fross》
Referring the Cremona chromatic harmonica, the sound is very well,much better than my other instruments with 16 holes. The response is very well too. Meanwhile I have had a concert
in a large church together with a big church organ. I played without any microphone and people could hearevery note even when
they have been sitting at the most distanced places from the organist and me. The sound in the high register is less sharp as the same notes played by the silver concerto and the deep register is the best in sound and response I ever heard being
played by the harmonica.
《Ulrich Muller Frossさんからのメッセージ》