



I became to believe that the chromatic harmonica has a wonderful acoustic potential when I first listened to its beautiful sound.  Being fascinated by the lovely tone of chromatic harmonica, I started making one by myself.
After producing many trail models, I finally composed my original solid wooden chromatic harmonica which gives you the warm and profound sound to play.  It is my lifework to pursue the better sound of chromatic harmonica.  I will devote myself to improve it so that you can proudly play the chromatic harmonica in ensemble with the piano, the violin or the flute etc. The warm and comfortable sound of CREMONA Original Customized Chromatic Harmonica is realized by the process in which the wooden parts are deliberately carved out of the ebony solid wood one by one and assembled with elaborately designed metallic parts. In order to add brilliant tone and massiveness to its sound, silver comb and covers are produced in a sophisticated and diligent process. Harmnica Workshop CREMONA can also meets the needs of each player.
It is sad to say that the chromatic harmonica is not well-known in Japan or some other countries.  I hope more and more people from small children to the elderly will recognize that such a small instrument can produce such marvelous sound.  It is my dream that CREMONA Original Customized Chromatic Harmonica will contribute to the performances of harmonica lovers and the motive for many people to start playing chromatic harmonica.



What is Chromatic Harmonica?/クロマチックハーモニカとは?

Chromatic means half tones to put it simply.  Chromatic harmonica is the harmonica which provides every tone.  You can play all the note by moving the slide lever which is inserted between the mouthpiece and the comb.  Each hole on the mouthpiece serves four different tones by four different motion (exhale, inhale, exhale with the slide lever pushed, and inhale with the slide lever pushed).  12hole-chromatic harmonica covers 3 octaves and 16hole-chromatic harmonica covers 4 octaves.  You can enjoy playing various type of music such as classical music or jazz with a single chromatic harmonica.



About Us / 工房概要

■Harmonica Workshop CREMONA
 ハーモニカ工房 クレモナ

■Craftsman / 製作者:
 Naotaka Kishi / 岸 直孝

■Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan